Countering disinformation and abuse by reporting TOS violations.
WARNING - Content can be graphic! Please DO NOT ENGAGE the target. Report TOS violations in silence and let the #TangoDown speak for you!
How to participate! Below is a "Battle Station" a "Shooting Gallery" and a "Free-Fire Zone" including harmful content and accounts that only exist to attack others, spread disinformation, and worse.
You can help counter such harmful actions and limit their impact by reporting the endless TOS Violations!
To report content for the TOS violation displayed just click the image and report the TOS violation to the platform! Click right for a new target, left to go back!
Once content is removed it will be taken down from the target que and once accounts are suspended they will be added to our Tango-Down page and the #NAFOworks tally in our blog section!
To learn more about reporting TOS violations, dealing with trolls or harassment on social media and countering disinformation, check out the new blog and our page titled "The Pirates Guide to Social Media Warfare"​
Latest Update : 12-03-2024